Angie and I purchased a 2018 Tesla Model 3 last week. This car represents a number of firsts for us:
our first electric car
our first new car since 2002
our first car from an American manufacturer
And it’s certainly the nicest and fastest car we’ve ever had. It’s really cool!
I’m not a huge car guy, although I do love my two old Toyota Land Cruisers and I take some pride in acquiring and maintaining interesting old cars for my kids (old Mercedes 300Ds and a VW camper van). I’d really prefer to not have any cars at all, but instead use feet, pedals, and shared transport to get around. But in our current life stage, and where we live and where I work, having a car is useful.
At this point, only the long-range battery pack (~310 mile range) is available, which adds $9K to the “base” price. That’s a lot. Do I need it? No. I’m not unhappy that I got it though, so good on Tesla I guess.
In 2002, our kids were little and we bought a new Honda Odyssey. Nice van. Hated it of course. It was a minivan! But that was a good inflection point for us — we decided that we weren’t going to buy a new car again until we could get one that was all electric.
We waited 16 years for the right car to happen. Truth. I remember quite clearly on March 31st 2016 when Tesla was showing off the Model 3 prototypes, and opened up reservations for deliveries that wouldn’t happen for 18 months. I was sitting on the couch watching a replay of the reveal, and plunked down the $1000 to get in the queue. Certainly an impulsive decision, but it felt like our opportunity to get a decent electric car.
There are some good alternatives out there now. For a lot less money, the Bolt is uninspiring and has the fugly GM design choices, but is by all accounts a really good car. The new Leaf looks less like a deformed insect than the prior model, and also seems like a good choice. On the higher end, the Jaguar I-Pace will probably kick ass, but I’m not sold that it’s a better bet than the Model X. Tesla’s supercharging network is still a competitive advantage.
If you’ve followed the interwebs and feel concerned about the Model 3’s quality (fit and finish, manufacturing concerns) or the minimalist and software-driven interior experience, well, all of that is crap. Quality is high, the design is beautiful, and the minimalism and touchscreen approach are the future of cars. Well, at least the future of cars for humans to operate. The premium interior isn’t anything like, say, a new Volvo, but it’s still very nice. The driving experience is awesome. This thing is fast, quick, corners well, and stops well.
I don’t have autopilot configured. Can’t comment on that. It was a big enough step for me to move to a car with integrated bluetooth, antilock brakes, and a rearview camera. (Yes, my other cars are that old). I’m good with still being in charge of the vehicle’s operation.
The relative simplicity of an all-electric car really appeals to me. Absent are so many fluids, bearings, belts, hoses, sensors, fittings, etc. Fewer things to go wrong. Not being dependent on dino fuel is nice as well.
Eight months later, still running strong. Latest stats:
936 – total miles this year.
201 – days run this year.
126 – total miles in August.
5.24 – Average running distance (miles) per run in August.
21:02 – 5K PR time on August 25.
My 5K time there is a bit flimsy, as it was part of a longer run in the 2017 Hood to Coast relay, and the run was mostly downhill. But still!
Speaking of Hood to Coast, this was my 6th time in the race, and my overall pace across the three segments was 7:31/mile. Way, way faster than ever before. Joe joined the team this year, which was awesome.
Oh, and I’m now down 44 pounds since the beginning of the year. Hit my weight loss goal of 43 pounds a few weeks ago, and now I’m in maintenance mode. Feels great. Considering a new goal of an additional 5 pounds, we’ll see.
During this time, I set personal records in the 5K (22:18 = 7:19/mile pace) and 10K (47:29 = 7:39/mile pace). This is soooooo much faster than when I started, which was roughly 10:00/mile pace over three miles. This kind of improvement was … unexpected.
And my weight is still moving in the right direction: down 6.4 more pounds, for a total of 31.4 pounds since the beginning of the year. Less than 10 pounds to go. Yeah!
I decided at the beginning of 2017 to become a regular runner, and lose the beer belly in the process. Today is the 75th day of the year, and my progress has been even better than I had hoped. I still have a bit of work to do, but I’m over halfway to my weight loss goal, and I have the running habit locked in. Feels great to run, and I look forward to my run each day.
I’ve been using a few apps on my phone to measure and gather data:
LoseIt. I track all food and meals here.
Nike+ Run Club. My phone is always in my pocket, and I’m tracking every run live.
Apple Health. Mostly as a step counter, but it also provides good integration between the Nike+ app and LoseIt, so LoseIt can give me calorie credit for my workouts.
Some stats:
I’ve run 53 times for a total of 204 miles (328 km) since January 6th. That’s 3.85 miles on average each time. Minimum 3 miles, longest 6.2 miles.
I’m eating an average of 1824 calories per day.
I’ve lost 25.0 pounds (11.3 kg).
My comfortable 4-mile running pace has dropped from 10:00/mile to 8:34/mile.
I’m earning an average of 649 calories per day with exercise. Which brings my net daily calories to 1175.
I’m averaging 11634 steps per day, including my running steps.
I try to be super-accurate with all my data entry in LoseIt. But even assuming I’m underreporting by, say 20%, I know I’m still way below what I used to eat on a daily basis. LoseIt is great. I know there are many apps like this, but this is the one I use, and it works well for me.
It’s winter here, so I’m running outdoors on roads and trails when the weather doesn’t completely suck and indoors on a treadmill when it does. About 60% of my runs have been indoors. Can’t wait for spring! I’ve played soccer a handful of times this year, but pretty much all my exercise is from running. I had an international business trip in February which limited my running for a week, but I was able to get lots of steps in on most of those days. I’ve been fortunate to avoid any injuries, although a mildly strained calf muscle slowed my running pace down a bit for a few runs. I’m not focused on running terribly long distances. Maybe later.
Going into this I was most concerned about my ability to keep the calories down. This has been surprisingly easy to do. I eliminated most calorie-rich carbs (potatoes, fries, chips, rice, etc.), got in to the habit of weighing foods to understand how much I was really eating, and just generally ate less. But I’m still eating three meals, having a small snack at some point during the day, and having a drink or two at night. Usually whiskey, but some beers like Guinness are pretty low in calories, so I mix those in too. IPAs have pretty much disappeared from my diet.
In the end, none of this is complicated. Eat less, and exercise. I hope to report even more progress soon.
Angie and I recently took a trip to Zihuatanejo, a lovely beach town on a bay in Guerrero, Mexico. My friends Darrell and Todd & Kathy had been there before and provided recommendations, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I was already a bit emotionally attached to the place before ever going there, through the references in Shawshank Redemption.
TL;DR version of this: Zihuatanejo is awesome, and you should go there. Oh, and there’s pictures of food below, so there’s that.
Some of the photos below were taken by me on a Nokia Lumia 920. The best photos were taken by Angie with some real photography equipment.
Viceroy Hotel
We spent eight days in Zihua, bunking at The TidesThe Viceroy. Which is an excellent place to stay, and as long as you take their cheap room, is an excellent value as well. It’s not cheap by Mexican hotel standards, but it’s not anywhere close to the cost of typical resort hotel (you know, the “all-inclusive” types that ensure you never leave the place).
The Viceroy is smack in the middle of Playa La Ropa, the main tourist beach on the bay. It is within a short stroll of several restaurants on the beach. If you’re into this sort of thing, you can rent jet skis, kayaks, sailboats, and harness up to a parasail right there on the beach. We did none of that stuff, but there were plenty of others doing just that.
This hotel has a long stretch of beachfront, with dozens of palapas with beds and lounge chairs in a de-militarized zone between the hotel buildings and the public beach. Being sectioned off was important, as there are many vendors on the beach who want to sell you stuff you don’t need at yankee prices. It’s great to pick up some local arts and crafts and support the community, but I want to do it on my own terms.
We often got lost in reading books under a palapa, listening to the waves, and enjoying a steady stream of Coronas being served by the super-attentive-but-not-overbearing waitstaff. Juan was our bartender on most nights … a wonderfully-friendly fellow, with excellent English, and strong tolerance for my terrible Spanish.
Some of our best days went like this: read books, beer, guacamole, read/beer, beer/read, sunset, dinner. Really, just perfect stuff.
Did I mention that this was all on the beach?
And then there was this: the most unexpectedly-awesome part of the hotel was the coffee service. By 7:30 a.m. every day we had an insulated pot of hot coffee and a few pastries waiting on our semi-private patio outside our room. It was sooooo nice to be able to wake up slowly, and enjoy coffee and chat a bit at our room. So wonderful.
Our room rate came with a daily restaurant credit, which we took advantage of. Typically covered cost of lunch and a few drinks during the day, which was a nice thing to count on.
Dinner at the hotel was fairly expensive, but the food was great and the setting was absolutely perfect. I mean really, can you top this?
Well, maybe you can. After dark, the dining area looks like this:
Food & drink
Speaking of beer, we treated it like water. Had a lot. Needed to, as the weather was quite warm and humid. There’s really just something awesome about a cold lager beer in hot weather. And, it was roughly the same price as water. The hotel charged a lot more than other places (captive customer, you know), but that’s to be expected.
Darrell had recommended a few places for us to try, and we did, as well as hitting up some other spots. All the below are highly recommended.
Tamales y Atoles Any
Tamales y Atoles Any is a tamal and pozole joint on a busy intersection in el centro de Zihuatanejo. We went there twice for lunch. Angie got red and green pork tamales for 25 pesos each, and I got a medium-sized serving of pozole (yes, on Thursday!) for 90 pesos. By medium-sized, I mean giant, massive, took me an hour to eat it all -sized. Ohmygoodnesss this was tasty.
Really just a great restaurant, with good simple choices and good prices.
Seeing the state police pull up outside with their automatic weapons and set up a defensive perimeter while one of their crew went to the ATM across the street was a nice bit of cultural immersion, too.
Los Braseros
Just a couple doors down from the tamal place was Los Braseros. Ordered the alambres de pastor — a new dish to me. Sort of a beautiful love child of fajitas and Philly cheese steak. Tasty!
Famous for their coconut shrimp, and for good reason. Shrimp stuffed with cream cheese and breaded & fried. Go light on the coconut dipping sauce, it’s basically straight sugar with a dash of coconut milk. Lety’s is located just over the footbridge just west of el centro, along the harbor inlet.
We also tried the chile relleno at Lety’s, which was just OK. Basically, too rich and too much going on. Would have preferred a simpler dish. No picture of that one :).
Paty’s Marimar
Paty’s is a beachfront restaurant just north of the Viceroy, and has a moderately-priced menu. Definitely tourist prices, but not hotel prices. Shrimp tacos were 90 pesos, whole garlic-fried red snapper was 150 pesos. Both were wonderful.
Sights & sounds
If you do nothing but relax on the beach, you have won. That said, we ventured out a bit. Walked into town a few times (30 minutes or so each way), which included a stroll up and down some steep roads.
El centro is lively and buzzing with activity. Near the waterfront you have to deal with vendors trying to sell you stuff at every turn. Head away one block, and you are in town, and free to move. Which we did. A lot. Found a nice tequila shop and bought a small bottle of Chamucos reposado tequila for less than 100 pesos. It was nice to sip that on the beach later on.
This tree, near Playa Principal, seems rather resourceful.
The emotional highlight of the trip was being by ourselves on the beach late at night under the full moon, and watching a mama turtle come out of the waves, build a nest just a few feet away from us, and lay her eggs. All told, it took her about 30 minutes to dig, lay, cover. The light from the photo was the ambient light from a walkway light on the beach at the hotel behind us.
We ended up seeing four turtles lay eggs while we were there. On one occasion, a local conservation official collected the eggs as the turtle was laying them, and took them to a breeding facility on the south end of the beach. 81 eggs in all!
So, what happens to the turtle eggs? I’m told a couple months later, they start popping out of the sand and make a run for the beach. We were lucky to see that too, obviously from a two-month-old nest:
On the south end of the bay is Playa Las Gatas. How should I say this? How about: don’t go there. Really. Complete and total tourist trap, lined end to end with restaurants trying to get your business. It’s kinda isolated, and most people take a water taxi to get there. We walked. The views are nice, but it’s just not fun. Too cramped, too many vendors. If you don’t have a hotel on the beach, maybe this is an OK place to visit, but we really didn’t like it.
You can rent snorkel gear and check out the little bay at las gatas, but the water looked very murky. Can’t imagine that the snorkeling would be any good there.
Supposedly you can walk further west past the beach, around the point, and see the lighthouse. Read about that afterwards, would have attempted that if we had known.
Then again, the giant iguana was kinda cool …
OK, so it was just somebody’s pet. But still cool!
Zihua is a great place. Go there, eat well, and live well.
I just returned from a business trip to Sydney, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand. My second time in Australia, my first in New Zealand. I had a great time visiting with clients, colleagues, and seeing the sights. Below are some highlights of my trip.
In Sydney, I stayed in a hotel right by Circular Quay, which made it ultra-convenient to hang out at The Rocks, get to the ferries, and get great views of the opera house and the harbor bridge every day. The weather was fantastic. Roughly 80 degrees Fahrenheit every day, blue sky, and light wind. Since I planned to be outside pretty much every chance I could get, I couldn’t have hoped for better weather.
The Rocks
No tourist visit is complete without spending some time at The Rocks, which is history, tourism, pubs, food, and shopping all in one place. I spent time at Phillip’s Foote (grill your own slab of meat), The Australian Hotel (wide beer selection, awesome pizza), and saw a bizarre-but-good U2 cover band at The Orient Hotel while enjoying a $7 Guinness, the cheapest beer I found on my trip. We ‘mericans are spoiled by good beer that is relatively cheap.
I also stumbled across some artwork that basically blamed the colonial revolt by the Americans in 1776 as the reason why Australia became a dumping ground for convicts in the early 19th century. England needed to find another home for them after their convenient offshore prison across the pond was no longer available. I had never made this historical connection before. Is it valid?
Hyde Park
A large park adjacent to Elizabeth Street, and right next to our office there. There was a large protest there the prior weekend, not a good time to be there for a tourist. Fortunately, the immediate turmoil had died down by the time I was there, and there was a neat photography art exhibit on display. Lots of families out enjoying a lovely spring equinox. As it should be.
Opera House
Everybody knows the opera house, and it’s quite impressive in person. It’s hard to avoid filling up your camera with photos of this thing from every angle. I did take the guided tour inside, which was interesting, but not necessarily awesome. Much of the history can be learned on your own, and probably the best way to experience the interior (which has several theaters / performance halls) is to just get tickets for a performance. There are over 1000 performances there each year!
Another view, close-up. The tiles are really interesting.
Harbor Bridge
I went for a jog each morning, and one of the days took me over the bridge to North Sydney and back. Pretty fun, in spite of the lungs full of diesel exhaust from the morning commuters. The bridge opened in 1932, and is absolutely massive. You can climb up the top of the bridge or walk up the stairs inside the southeast pylon. Both are commercial operations, and cost money. I didn’t do either. Simply being on the bridge a zillion meters from the water was cool enough for me.
Royal Botanical Gardens
The gardens are awesome. If you like a huge diversity of trees, plants, flowers, and birds … well, this place is amazing. A morning jog through this would be a great way to start every day, so you Sydneysiders are quite lucky to have this in your backyard. As for the bats? Well, I never found them. I guess the campaign to get rid of them is working.
NRL Preliminary Final
My colleagues and I were lucky to get tickets to the National Rugby League semifinal match between South Sydney and Canterbury at ANZ Stadium (the olympic stadium from 2000). Not knowing either club — or the sport itself, really — I bought myself a Rabbitohs hat and cheered for the underdogs. Who got crushed 32-8, after owning an 8-4 lead early and having all of the momentum.
I was one of about 12 Rabbitohs supporters in the crowd of 70000. That was kind of fun.
Oh Rabbitohs, you ruined my day!
My kids like the hat, though.
Bondi Beach
Love or hate the big city, having a beach like Bondi so close to town is pretty awesome. I spent a good part of the day there. The sand was a fine powder, great feel. Walked through the farmers market, bought a baked treat, enjoyed the heck out of it. Ate lunch with Scott (my colleague) at The Bucket List, outside and overlooking the water. Lovely way to spend a day.
Took a cab (spendy) there, walked to the train station on the way back and returned to the city via train. I think I liked the cab better.
Manly, and Sydney Harbor National Park
I went to Manly twice. Once, on a Friday evening, and had drinks at 4 Pines Brewing (awesome!) and pizza at Hugo’s (double-awesome). It was dark, and I didn’t get to see the town or the beach. So I returned on Sunday. Along with all of Sydney, I think. The place was crawling with people that day. But, as I carved my way through the crowds, I was able to see enough of the town to get a feel for the place. Lunch at BenBry Burgers took all of the pain of the crowds away.
I walked along the beach and found Shelly Beach tucked away from the hustle and bustle. That looked like a good place to spend a day. However, my goal was beyond Shelly Beach — Sydney Harbor National Park, which has a trail system that begins just above the beach. I walked all over these trails throughout the day, and made it to the headlands overlooking the cliffs before turning back and taking the trails back down the hill to the Manly town center.
Another trip to 4 Pines Brewing capped off the day. The special Märzen was a winner. It’s possible I may have ordered a second pint.
Manly is a 40-minute ferry ride from Circular Quay, or take a bus or cab. Take the ferry. Cheap and easy.
Oh, and I saw an echidna!
In Auckland, my hotel was on the water — literally. Built on a pier jutting into the harbor. Oddly, also right next to the ferry terminal, as in Sydney. The weather was not quite so nice … maybe high 50s, overcast, and occasional drizzle. Just like home!
My schedule was much tighter in Auckland than in Sydney, so I saw less. But I still had a great time, and my colleagues there helped me make the most of my visit. A couple of evening jogs got me out on the harbor, which was very pretty.
I ate at Tyler Street Garage (hipster hangout, great pizza and beer), Degree (low key, diverse menu and beer), L’Assiette (only got as far as coffee and pastry), and Mexico (lamb & mint quesadillas … yum).
My colleague Tim took me to Piha, and we hiked to Kitekite Falls. Very cool. I really enjoy hiking, and this was a great little walk with a nice waterfall reward at the end. Learned about the native plants and trees, in particular the silver fern — which I recognized to be the symbol used by the All Blacks.
Rangitoto Island
A young volcano in the middle of the harbor? I’m there. My colleage Serge recommended this (as did others), and I enjoyed the heck out of this. My schedule was a bit tight, and I hoped to be able to hike to the top and back in the 3-hour window between ferry visits. The literature suggested this might not be possible, but I tried it anyway. I power-walked and ran up it in 45 minutes. 🙂 Left me plenty of time to take in the vista, and leisurely stroll down. Didn’t get a chance to visit the lava caves, which probably didn’t matter since I didn’t have a flashlight.
My friend Andy and I were in San Diego this week for a business trip. We both like beer, and it’s always fun to see what another town has to offer. Portland has such a good beer community that I’m always expecting something inferior everywhere else.
We happened to be in town during San Diego Beer Week. A nice coincidence, for sure. We ended up going to three places:
Blind Lady Ale House, in Normal Heights
Small Bar, in University Heights
Toronado Bar, in North Park
I have to say that all three were equally awesome, and completely different from each other. Blind Lady felt like it could have been the Lucky Lab or similar in Portland, so it felt the most at home. Small Bar had a classic college pub feel, and Toronado had a great dive bar feel. All three had excellent beer selections. At least a couple dozen choices at each.